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5BBL 7bbl Micro Red Copper Beer Brew System Beer Making Machine for Brewery Equipment

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Two Vessels Brewhouse System

A 500L two-vessel beer brewing system is a commercial-scale brewing setup used to produce beer in quantities of 500 liters per batch. The system typically consists of two vessels, a mash/lauter tun and a brew kettle/whirlpool.

The mash/lauter tun is used for the mashing process, in which the malted grains are mixed with hot water to convert the starches into fermentable sugars. The vessel usually includes a false bottom or screens to separate the liquid wort from the spent grains.

After the mashing process is complete, the liquid wort is transferred to the brew kettle, where it is boiled and hops are added for flavor and bitterness. The whirlpool function separates the trub (unwanted solids) from the hot wort.

The 500L brewing system may also include additional equipment such as pumps, heat exchangers, and fermentation tanks to complete the brewing process. Once the wort has been cooled and fermented, the beer is ready to be packaged or served.

The size of the brewing system allows for medium-scale commercial production of beer, suitable for small breweries, brewpubs, and restaurants. The system can produce multiple batches per day depending on the brewing schedule and demand.
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A 500L two-vessel beer brewing system is a commercial-scale brewing setup used to produce beer in quantities of 500 liters per batch. The system typically consists of two vessels, a mash/lauter tun and a brew kettle/whirlpool.

The mash/lauter tun is used for the mashing process, in which the malted grains are mixed with hot water to convert the starches into fermentable sugars. The vessel usually includes a false bottom or screens to separate the liquid wort from the spent grains.

After the mashing process is complete, the liquid wort is transferred to the brew kettle, where it is boiled and hops are added for flavor and bitterness. The whirlpool function separates the trub (unwanted solids) from the hot wort.

The 500L brewing system may also include additional equipment such as pumps, heat exchangers, and fermentation tanks to complete the brewing process. Once the wort has been cooled and fermented, the beer is ready to be packaged or served.

The size of the brewing system allows for medium-scale commercial production of beer, suitable for small breweries, brewpubs, and restaurants. The system can produce multiple batches per day depending on the brewing schedule and demand.


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Ningbo Minghao Machinery Equipment Co.,Ltd. is located in Xiangshan, Ningbo City,Zhejiang Province,China.The company was established on March 1, 2021.

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